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Follow These Steps When Doing Asbestos Testing

Before starting asbestos testing in Vancouver, there are certain steps that must be taken to prepare ahead of time to have your test materials ready to use. Materials that will be needed include dish detergent, water, plastic zip lock bags and a spray bottle. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and exactly.

Be especially cautious when preparing your materials to ensure that nothing is damaged or broken once you begin gathering the samples. You will also need to prepare the location which you suspect may be contaminated, as asbestos is very dangerous when inhaled. Be sure the sprayer is up to the job of spraying this area thoroughly, as it will be used to keep any asbestos dust from becoming airborne.

Some materials which contain asbestos do not present a danger unless they become crushed or damaged. These are things like siding, pipes or tiles. It may be that there isn’t a danger at all if these materials are left undisturbed, as asbestos won’t be released into the area. If you are not planning home repairs or renovations that may be invasive, you may be able to just let these materials remain where they are. But if repairs are needed, be sure to call in a trained professional in asbestos to make needed repairs.

If you happen to find any materials that have sustained any type of damage, by all means contact trained personnel. Even water damage can cause a product to deteriorate and become a danger. Do not attempt to remove damaged materials or make repairs yourself, unless you are qualified in asbestos work. You are putting yourself at risk of future health problems.

 Once an area is ready, take a sample by carefully cutting a small piece off the suspect material and placing this in the zip lock bag. This will then be sent to a lab for testing.

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